
Hostinger Coupon Codes And Deals

On this page, you can find the best Hostinger coupon codes and deals to help you save big on their hosting and other products. Use the link below which is the largest discount we’ve currently found.

DEAL: 20% Off Hosting + 3 Months Free (Click To Claim)

Other Deals:

Does Hostinger Have A Free Domain Deal?

Yes, Hostinger is currently running a deal where you will receive a free domain name when you sign up for an annual hosting plan. This is only available for new customers signing up for a new web hosting plan and opting to pay annually.

This gives you extra savings on top of what you’ll already save with their hosting deals where they give you up to 70% off the regular annual price. Use this link or any of the links above to claim this offer.

Hostinger Student Discount

Does Hostinger have a student discount? Yes, Hostinger does have a student discount. The discount is currently an extra 10% off your first purchase. This 10% off is added on top of the 70% off the first year for new customers. To get the student discount use this link and follow the instructions on the Hostinger website to verify your eligibility.

Hostinger Military Discount

Does Hostinger have a military discount? No, at this time Hostinger does not have a discount for military or veterans.

Hostinger Teacher Discount

Does Hostinger have a discount for teachers? No, at this time it doesn’t appear that Hostinger has any discounts specific to teachers or other education professionals.

Where Do I Put In My Coupon Code

We’ve included an image below to help you find the box where you need to put in your coupon code. If you go to the main checkout page and scroll to the bottom you should be able to find a box labeled “coupon code.”

You must put your code in this box and press the apply button. If the code is active and works for your purchase then the new discounted price will be shown as your total.

Almost all of the coupon codes and deals we’ve seen for Hostinger will be automatically applied when you click the deal link. This means that there should already be a coupon code applied for most orders by the time you get to the checkout.

You can find an example of where to put in your promo code on’s website below.


Does Hostinger have free hosting plans? No, Hostinger does not currently have any free hosting plans. They do however have hosting starting at low as $2.99 per month when you use one of the discounts provided. They do offer other perks such as a free domain name and free site migration to help get you started.

Does Hostinger have deals for existing customers? You can find the occasional deal for existing customers. Most of the deals are for new customers, but there are coupon codes available for existing customers opening up a new hosting account or using other services they haven’t used before. When you click one of the coupon codes on this page it should take you to the Hostinger website where you can see the terms on who is eligible for the deal.

Are there deals for new customers? Yes, most of the deals on this page are for new customers only. There are some deals for existing customers, but most of the big discounts are for new customers or those opening up a new hosting account.